Friday, October 15, 2010


I decided to change things up a bit. I wanted a background that spoke more to who I am as a person, and I feel that this does that.

I want to say that I love my school. The kids are great, I teach 7th and 8th Grade Math and Science.

The 7th graders get to see me twice a day for Algebra 1 and Life Science
The 8th graders only get to see me once a day for Physical Science

It is three preps for a first year teacher but I've got two planning periods, and I proctor a study hall where I can usually get a few things done (not much but a few).

I remember as a kid whenever we were taking standardized tests I hated to hear the same directions read over and over again. Now that I'm a teacher I hate reading those same directions over and over again. If I don't read them then the students would need to take the test again, and neither of us want that so I read and my students suffer for a few minutes, while I drone on about not filling anything in until you are told to do so...etc...

As a result of the testing my schedule has been a little off to say the least. I only saw my 7th graders for one period, there was no change to 8th grade (except for the time of day I saw them).

I think I look forward to the weekends now as much as I did as a student. A chance to go hang out with people or just chill out at home. Of course there is the obligation to get work done. But having fun is necessary sometimes too.

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