Friday, September 9, 2011

New School Year

This year I have share my classroom with the Math Teacher (bonus, I don't have to teach math, however, I loose storage space).

I have 36 7th graders and 28 8th graders that I need to educate in Science.

My classroom after being cleaned for 3 weeks is still not where I want it to be.

I need to figure out how to set up my first salt water fish tank. A huge endeavor one I am both looking forward to and terrified of completing.

My 7th graders this year are so different from last year's class. They work harder, focus for longer and pay attention. It is a miracle. I am looking forward to seeing what they can produce for me when I assign them their first big project.

Chris and I got married in July. Now we are looking to purchase a house. The one I want is $424000, but only worth about $370000. The max I want to pay is $350000. Trying to figure out how low we can go without getting a flat out rejection is becoming difficult.

I am hoping it all works out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tempus Fugit

Time flies.

I cannot believe that it is the end of the school year.
That I have spent all week putting in 12 hour days in a futile attempt to get my classroom organized and set up for next year by today.
I will spend all next week putting in 12 hour days in a hopefully no longer futile attempt to get my classroom organized and set up for next year by Friday.
That is not to mention all the writing I have to do for my boss before I can be officially checked out of my room.
I have brought home 16 binders filled with papers to go through over the summer in an attempt to have materials to work with for next year.
Add on top of that the wedding
Two dogs
Looking for a house
Running an apartment
I'm sure there are more things but it is late and I can't think.

Hoping to sleep in a little tonight (10 am sounds good).

Friday, October 15, 2010


I decided to change things up a bit. I wanted a background that spoke more to who I am as a person, and I feel that this does that.

I want to say that I love my school. The kids are great, I teach 7th and 8th Grade Math and Science.

The 7th graders get to see me twice a day for Algebra 1 and Life Science
The 8th graders only get to see me once a day for Physical Science

It is three preps for a first year teacher but I've got two planning periods, and I proctor a study hall where I can usually get a few things done (not much but a few).

I remember as a kid whenever we were taking standardized tests I hated to hear the same directions read over and over again. Now that I'm a teacher I hate reading those same directions over and over again. If I don't read them then the students would need to take the test again, and neither of us want that so I read and my students suffer for a few minutes, while I drone on about not filling anything in until you are told to do so...etc...

As a result of the testing my schedule has been a little off to say the least. I only saw my 7th graders for one period, there was no change to 8th grade (except for the time of day I saw them).

I think I look forward to the weekends now as much as I did as a student. A chance to go hang out with people or just chill out at home. Of course there is the obligation to get work done. But having fun is necessary sometimes too.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I have a job!

I will be teaching at a private/independent school in Virginia.

New teacher orientation/training starts this week and the students start in two weeks. I'm excited to get started, I wish the school year would hurry up and get here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sleep deprived therefore random

So I'm working at a chain restaurant with a Master's Degree.
That's all I have to say about that.

I have applied to public and private schools in and around the DC area (including Virginia) and have only heard back from one (in a positive way).
The school I heard back from is an hour away, and I would be teaching 7th and 8th grade math (algebra I) and science (including basic physics and chemistry), very little actual biology.
I had one interview on Monday and my second one today.
I was told I am one of two people currently left in the running for the position.
I have no idea how to feel...
I'm sure I could say more but I don't know what else to write.

I'm wondering if I now need to create a professional blog, you know, one where nothing is ever stated just implied and there is no way to tell what it is I'm talking about exactly...

I'm tired.

I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them in.
What else is new?

I think we should petition for longer days, and more sleep.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's been two months

So I am back home in RI for winter break. I have a few minutes to myself before I head over to a friend's house to help out with somethings and I thought I would take the time to write.

I haven't been this happy, stressed out, off my rocker, insane and generally excited in a long time. I know some of those words do not seem to go together but if you really want to know, ask me sometime.

I was able to work with middle schoolers in October and November, I really enjoyed working with those kids. I'm going to miss them. I do look forward to returning to the high schoolers in January, the biology 1 honors kids will be working with reproduction, and the biology 2 certificate of merit kids will have just finished up microbiology and starting forensics.

I still do not know what age level I want to teach at, right now I'm writing my resume to include both age groups.

I want to have applied to jobs before the end of January which means I need to finalize my resume and refrences before winter break ends. Did I also mention I'm taking an online class?

Life is going well. I really can not complain. I wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A quick update...

What is going on in my life?
-Still in the MAT
--The work in the MAT is keeping me very busy reading and writing
--My time in Leonardtown High School (LHS) was very enjoyable, I look forward to going back to LHS and working with the students again.
--I start in Esperanza Middle School (EMS) on October 12th and I am looking forward to deciding if I want to apply to work in a middle school or in a high school.
-Living in Abberly Crest is nice but I do not get out much (see work load)
-I miss seeing my friends every day (yes the MAT cohort is full of my friends) but I miss the ones who have graduated.
-I have so much I want to write but I have no words to put to the thoughts and feelings I currently have.
-Check out
--It is a very cool website demonstrating a very cool idea.