Friday, September 9, 2011

New School Year

This year I have share my classroom with the Math Teacher (bonus, I don't have to teach math, however, I loose storage space).

I have 36 7th graders and 28 8th graders that I need to educate in Science.

My classroom after being cleaned for 3 weeks is still not where I want it to be.

I need to figure out how to set up my first salt water fish tank. A huge endeavor one I am both looking forward to and terrified of completing.

My 7th graders this year are so different from last year's class. They work harder, focus for longer and pay attention. It is a miracle. I am looking forward to seeing what they can produce for me when I assign them their first big project.

Chris and I got married in July. Now we are looking to purchase a house. The one I want is $424000, but only worth about $370000. The max I want to pay is $350000. Trying to figure out how low we can go without getting a flat out rejection is becoming difficult.

I am hoping it all works out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tempus Fugit

Time flies.

I cannot believe that it is the end of the school year.
That I have spent all week putting in 12 hour days in a futile attempt to get my classroom organized and set up for next year by today.
I will spend all next week putting in 12 hour days in a hopefully no longer futile attempt to get my classroom organized and set up for next year by Friday.
That is not to mention all the writing I have to do for my boss before I can be officially checked out of my room.
I have brought home 16 binders filled with papers to go through over the summer in an attempt to have materials to work with for next year.
Add on top of that the wedding
Two dogs
Looking for a house
Running an apartment
I'm sure there are more things but it is late and I can't think.

Hoping to sleep in a little tonight (10 am sounds good).