Monday, June 22, 2009

Things are changing

Change. Something that happens constantly, yet something I seem to be unable to accept.

I am going back to school to work on my MAT (Masters in the Art of Teaching) for secondary school (yes as a biology teacher).

They gave us a schedule so we would know what was going on and they recently changed the schedule which would not be a problem if I did not also have other things scheduled for that day.

I am able to move into my apartment at noon on the 5th this was great because originally I had classes start on the 6th. Now I am still moving into my apartment on the 5th at noon but I need to be on campus for orientation at 1pm for the placements they have the secondary educators involved in. Our placement is part of a summer camp that goes all day so we are not required to be in class our first week of school but we will be working for a summer camp for free.

So the schedule change is frustrating but necessary so the secondary educators are able to have a placement option. I just hope we can get everything moved into the apartment and arranged to our liking before the end of July with as busy as the first month is looking.