Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's been two months

So I am back home in RI for winter break. I have a few minutes to myself before I head over to a friend's house to help out with somethings and I thought I would take the time to write.

I haven't been this happy, stressed out, off my rocker, insane and generally excited in a long time. I know some of those words do not seem to go together but if you really want to know, ask me sometime.

I was able to work with middle schoolers in October and November, I really enjoyed working with those kids. I'm going to miss them. I do look forward to returning to the high schoolers in January, the biology 1 honors kids will be working with reproduction, and the biology 2 certificate of merit kids will have just finished up microbiology and starting forensics.

I still do not know what age level I want to teach at, right now I'm writing my resume to include both age groups.

I want to have applied to jobs before the end of January which means I need to finalize my resume and refrences before winter break ends. Did I also mention I'm taking an online class?

Life is going well. I really can not complain. I wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A quick update...

What is going on in my life?
-Still in the MAT
--The work in the MAT is keeping me very busy reading and writing
--My time in Leonardtown High School (LHS) was very enjoyable, I look forward to going back to LHS and working with the students again.
--I start in Esperanza Middle School (EMS) on October 12th and I am looking forward to deciding if I want to apply to work in a middle school or in a high school.
-Living in Abberly Crest is nice but I do not get out much (see work load)
-I miss seeing my friends every day (yes the MAT cohort is full of my friends) but I miss the ones who have graduated.
-I have so much I want to write but I have no words to put to the thoughts and feelings I currently have.
-Check out TED.com
--It is a very cool website demonstrating a very cool idea.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A few days behind...

So I'm a few days behind...

The last few days have been filled with teacher meetings, room cleaning/prepping, lesson planning and all those things you think of when you think of a teacher. I am happy but very, very tired. I don't know how I've managed to make it through the meetings without coffee but I will not get hooked on it this year! I'm looking forward to meeting all the kids tomorrow even though we will only have each period for about 30 minutes each. Not a whole lot of time to get things done and gone over.

Well here is to hoping tomorrow goes off without a hitch.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Long time no post...

I swear I'm still alive.

I am down at SMCM and the MAT (Masters in Art of Teaching) is in full swing. Such as I've been in five and completed three classes and put in 27+ hours of time with middle school students. We have been here since July 6th (not quite a month yet). I haven't heard much from the outside world other than the occasional hello. Please keep in touch. You all are on the short list of things keeping me sane.

The apartment is nice. I'm still moving in and getting everything organized to the high standards I have for things of that nature.

In other news, there really is no other news. Most who read this know I'm dating Chris, living with Katey and Sarah and going to school for my Masters. Those are really the only things I talk about on a regular basis and frankly things are going well in all so it may be another month before I check back in here (hopefully not).

Monday, June 22, 2009

Things are changing

Change. Something that happens constantly, yet something I seem to be unable to accept.

I am going back to school to work on my MAT (Masters in the Art of Teaching) for secondary school (yes as a biology teacher).

They gave us a schedule so we would know what was going on and they recently changed the schedule which would not be a problem if I did not also have other things scheduled for that day.

I am able to move into my apartment at noon on the 5th this was great because originally I had classes start on the 6th. Now I am still moving into my apartment on the 5th at noon but I need to be on campus for orientation at 1pm for the placements they have the secondary educators involved in. Our placement is part of a summer camp that goes all day so we are not required to be in class our first week of school but we will be working for a summer camp for free.

So the schedule change is frustrating but necessary so the secondary educators are able to have a placement option. I just hope we can get everything moved into the apartment and arranged to our liking before the end of July with as busy as the first month is looking.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm not in Kansas anymore...

So I'm done with my undergraduate education. I have no job over the summer because no one is willing to hire someone for a month and a half. I move back to Southern Maryland on July 4th, classes start on July 6th. I don't think the fact that I've graduated has hit me quite yet. I go back to SMCM soon and will be there for a year. I get to spend time with my friends who are already there and I get a masters in the process. I feel that I will be freaking out more a year from now when I actually leave SMCM, until then cheers!

Congratulations to the classes of 2009! Good luck!

Friday, April 17, 2009


The weekend is here!!

World Carnival is here!!

Carbon Leaf is playing tomorrow night!!

I get to check out housing for next year on Sunday!!

A bunch of things to get excited about. All good things, but the large amount of school work I have to get done before graduating in less than a month. Is as you guessed it, not so exciting.
Back to work.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

SMP Presentation

I'm presenting my SMP on Saturday May 2nd along with Katey and Eileen. We are all presenting on some aspect of Environmental Education. People are more than welcome to come down and see it. We start at 10am and go until 12. We will be providing refreshments.

As a separate aside. I graduate in exactly one month. So much to do in so little time.

Monday, April 13, 2009


MY SMP IS DONE! Well the first draft any way.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm just one person

Wow. I'm a senior and my time at SMC is coming quickly to a close. Apparently I'm not the only one to realize this. The majority of my teachers have decided to pile the work into the last bit of the semester. I do not like this idea. Space things out. I've already got my SMP to deal with. Which I shall spend the rest of the day working on (with breaks to write another paper). I do not want to deal with these little things that pop up on teachers. Give us the outlines/guidelines for all the assignments at the beginning of the semester and have us work at our own pace. Please. It would make me less stressed.

In other news...
Housing next year is still up in the air
I'm losing friends faster than I can make them
My SMP is not even close to being finished and it is due in two weeks.

Back to work

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've got to find a place to live next year, there are a lot of really nice houses that the four of us (who plan on living together) are looking at. They are nice places with decent rates, but of course there is a catch. They don't typically lease houses more than 30 days in advance. I will not be around this part of Maryland 30 days before I need to move into the place. Not to mention some of these really nice places may be taken before we can lease them. I kinda need to know where I'm living next year before I go home. May is the deadline. I just hope we can work everything out before then.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg.

That is all for now.

Too much to do in too little time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bureaucracy Anyone?

So I've decided yet again that bureaucracy sucks. I do not want to have to deal with menial tasks as a senior. I should not have to point out the obvious potentially financially disastrous flaws in programing. This is not my responsibility, it is not my job. I am just a student, I just volunteer my time. I do not want any more or any less asked of me. Ask me for my time and I'm not always sure I have that to give.

Frustrated with the system as it stands.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It is the little things in life right?

So the little things in life are starting to become larger things. Larger things I don't really want to deal with but will eventually have to or I won't be able to stay here for another year. I need to find affordable housing living somewhere seems like a little thing until you actually need to find a place and find a way to pay for it on your own. Food also a little thing but finding a way to work that into the budget is becoming problematic. Starting a budget on its own is becoming problematic. I realize that money makes the world go round and while I have enough to get by I can't be stupid about what I do with my money. I think I've been pretty dumb in the past so we shall see where things go from here (hopefully I'll get smarter when it comes to dealing with money).

On another note...I need to get back to working on my SMP. Another thing I don't want to deal with but need to finish in order to graduate. I have a pile of books and papers sitting next to my desk begging to be read and worked on but I just don't have the heart to do it.

Break time over, I need to prep for my 300 level philosophy course (why I decided a 300 level philosophy course would be a good idea my senior year without taking any previous philosophy courses is beyond my ability to currently comprehend). Wish me luck.